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The beauty:

Clouds appearing and flowing past you climbing the hills and blurring the vision one second and next clearing and giving a glimpse into mother nature’s beautiful creation. You are at such a height that human existence ceases to be visible. There seems to be no houses nor vehicles nor the associated noises until the sun sets and night becomes black do you realize the the golden glitter and diamond studs that humanity has created through its lighting system.

The room with view was facing the sun set and the whole world was painted in small hills, some floating in clouds and some were little grey cones. You could jump into the valley and rolled down with greenery. The winds kept talking all through the night and chill forced the hands to tightly wrap around. The clouds simply walk into rooms as uninvited guests and some decide on condense on the wooden door and some simply give a cool bath.

The flowers and leaves were in all colors and the nursery was well spaced out. There were guava trees and their beautiful bodies. There were Italian flower with a ready made bunch and the roses were big and orange, red, white …

The roads are narrow but both sides are mostly covered by coffee plantations and huge trees that has pepper wrapping around them.

The beast:

We were coming back from lady’s seat in the morning and we had the whole day to explore. The roads are narrow and the local government decided to tar that morning and the hotel forgot to inform us and we were waiting on 45 degrees slope facing the road roller and melting machine. Some common sense prevailed and the roller decided to reverse and we felt that the car was pushing it down the slope. On opening was created after a while and we whizzed passed it.

The room with view was expensive and the premium was about Rs 2K. The service and maintenance was poor too. The waiters were blunt and to the point and same for room service too. There was a team from Citi Chennai who must have come for team building exercise who played to the loud music in the disco facility provided by Sterling Resorts.

The Trip:

We left home ie., Bangalore at about 10:45 AM on friday morning and travelled along NH7 to reach Salem by afternon, had breakfast at a restaurant and the Muslim owner knew some hindi and explained us how to go to yercaud. The ghat road was steep but beautiful and a landslide was being repaired. Until a top official came and sorted road out with his stern orders we waiting on a hairpin turn for about half an hour.

We saw a hotel on edge of mountain and decided to check that out. It turned out to be Sterling resorts, a pretty expensive proposition but it was wife's birthday so money was easily flowing out of pocket.

Saturday was spent exploring Lady's/children and Gent's seat and the rose garden where we bought some beautiful plant sampling. Then we moved towards pagoda point and while returning checked out MM Inn,Grange resorts(inside coffee plantations), Shevoroys Hotel and Grand Palace located on top of hill facing the lake in front and mountains behind.

We went towards water falls but people told the way down was too risky for kid and therefore abandoned the plan with me promising to come back here next day. Coming back stopped over at one more nursery close to lake and checked in Hotel tamilnadu, a cheap but nice options except for a cockroach that kept coming back and settling in my hair. Saw the cricket match between India and Australia, a 2020 semifinal.

On sunday we did boating and went to Shevroys temple, the route was breathtaking and the temple is in cave and it it believed that the cave opens up in Talacavery in Karnataka.

We came back, had lunch at Hotel, bought few items at sunday haat and started back to Bangalore by afternoon.


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