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Auto brushed the car

I was taking about turn in front of Sagar Apollo hospital near Bannerghatta road. I have done so on many occasions and was free of incident. Today unfortunately was a day to obtain content for this article, so listen.
A karnataka state department Jeep with green license board was in front and decided to take the omnious about turn. He could not complete as the HUGE shoulder in middle of road had eaten up 20% of road space. Another 20% was eaten up by car in single and double parking on both side of road. That leaves less than 20% space on a thin and heavily traffic road on each side.
If a person decides to take a U then there is no space for traffic behind to move beside and go by. But this adventurous frustrated dear auto wallah belonged to a different breed that is high on animal instincts. He dragged his auto through and in the process broke the rear side plastic protection (guess the name) and scratched few thick black lines and was urging me to go. The government vehicle in front was struggling to take the U and needed the maneuvering space.So I was waiting and creating business for Mandovi motors repair and servicing arms. They should have cold calls stating "Have you been touched by the yellow bangalore auto? If yes, then please visit us." They could even recruit the autos to brush ten cars a day and provide a commission for same.
Common sense was left behind and flushed away when they got into this profession. Even though I gave two of my favorite abuses to him in native hindi he just waved me to go ahead. I could manage the abuses as I was alone in car. It is generally avoided in family time. One of those rare moments when you are mad and you are fully able to express yourself. I could only thank the autowallah for this opportunity.
There was no question of getting down as I was cosily warm in my seat. It would have built up the traffic and caused lot of pain to already intolerant fellow Indians drivers.
The jeep moved and I moved and "lo and behold" Did you see what I saw? A mature looking person in his mid forties in spotless white uniform and same color motorbike on other side of the road. Yes, you got it. Our dear Bangalore traffic police cop in broad daylight warming and basking in whatever little sunlight Bangalore could give on this beautiful morning. Otherwise I have mostly seen that they suddenly emerge from dark shaded regions or from behind a truck getting hold of poor guys on motor bikes and lunas.


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