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Buy laptop in india - dell online experience

It will be close to a month and the laptop is nowhere in sight.

I discussed with the sales person for customizing the configuration.
  1. Is it possible to upgrade RAM from 3 to 4 as there could be 2 GB per slot?
    1. No its not possible.
  2. Is it possible to have multiple partitions?
    1. I can give two partitions with 60 GB in one and rest in others?
      1. Is it possible to give equal partitions?
        1. Not possible. You can do it yourself.
  3. Do you also share windows OS disk?
    1. No we have stopped shipping it a month back.
      1. How do I reinstall or update in case of issues?
        1. You will have to make your own disk and you can take help of technical assistance post delivery.
  4. When will the laptop come?
    1. Within a week.
The conversation happened on September 1st 2010.
Dell sent me the invoice with 7 days validity.
I called back customer care on September 6th 2010.
  • I would like to place the order.
    • No Sir, you cant the rates have gone up.
      • But your invoice is valid for 7 days.Today is 7th. I dont know how you do your maths but 1 + 7 is 8th Sept.
        • No sir the date of invoice is start date.
          • Even in that case today is 7th Sept.
            • Oh! I can process the order if you make the payment by 3PM today and show me the screenshot of payment transfer confirmation.
Dell does not have an online payment gateway. You have to go to your internet banking account, create a payee in dells name, confirm it and then make the payment. Otherwise you can use the credit card payment option but for that you have to go through their toll free number and key in your credit card details.

The dell sales person sent email "Ok.Shall revert with the acknowledgment soon." How soon?
I get the order confirmation on September 9th 2010. The cash left my account on 7th.
One week past and I check with the sales guy and this is email response on 15th"
Due to  the application upgrade we are facing delay in the production process which is expected to be cleared soon.Sametime we have taken note of your complaint. Please be assured that we are looking into this matter and are according the highest priority to the same.We will keep you  updated on the status of  your order and appreciate your patience in this regard."
This is the response on 20th Sept "Your consignment is been custom cleared and been handed over to bluerdart for delivery.Request you to re-confirm the same with our customer care at (1800-425-4051)". 

I call up customer care and request them to know the cancellation procedure. Dell refunds the complete amount but it will take 20 days for it reach your account. They give me a case number and promise that laptop will come sometime this week. The conversation
  • I am not happy with dell delivery. 
    • Please share your order number. I will place you to a customer care agent.
I had to listen to their promos for 10 mins before a customer care executive got free.
  • What is your cancellation procedure?
    • We can refund the whole amount and it will take 20 days for same.
  • Your sales person promised a week of delivery time.
    • Its 10 working days from date of order.
  • The money left my account on 7th sept and today is 20th sept.
    • No, We calculate from order date and which is Sept 9th and 10 working days from there. We dont include weekends.
  • When will I get the laptop?
    • Sometimes this week. I will expedite the delivery and talk to our logistics department.

I am in the middle of the week and the bluedart site is saying the reference number is invalid. So the laptop is with somebody and they are definitely not the last mile guys. Today is September 22nd 2010.

So my recommendation would be go for dell online buying experience if you like to sip your drinks drop by drop and know that a laptop does not make any difference to your business nor personal productivity. And also you like to go back and forth between sales and customer care, phone support and email. 

Only if you have the luxury of time then buy a laptop from dell.
I know your experience would be better than mine and please comment to share it.


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