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birth certificate - BBMP

She was very helful. Her hindi was broken. She was patient with my queries. She works for BBMP in their birth certificates section under Ratnamma. I forgot to ask her name and I am sorry for it.
Ratnamma had not yet arrived. I was not even aware of her existence. She gave me the form. She showed me the columns which I needed to fill with the details that was expected from me.
The room must have been 3*4 feet and into the corner of the last building beyong Aiyappa temple in Madiwala on Hosur Road in Bangalore.
The buildings belonged to BBMP on left hand side after the signal. The road takes you to inner ring road. I mistook it for Sarjapur and missed the first right turn but on second right turn I persisted going straight through Jakkasandra I joined Sarjapur road.
I parked the car in front of shop to ask for directions. It was a medical shop. The person outside directed me to the one inside and he would simply nod his head his negation. Poor frustrated unhelpful cleanly dressed guy. The shop is at the corner.
The cycle shop helper gave me the nut for free as he could not find a matching nut for my daughters's skates. Amazing.
Ratnamma came and sat in her chair and simply had to only utter, Fees. I handed over Rs 100 for two certificate and she confirmed the dates on the return slip and said it was done.

I was not carrying the writing pen and the staff lady searched and obtained one from closed almirah and gave me to fill the form. She explained to me that fees per copy of birth certificate is Rs. 50.
The corporation office for respective constituency is also located in BDA Complex in Jayanagar 4th block. Coming from cool joint side you reach first floor towards Krishi restaurant. Their on the steps they have directions for constinuency office. If you rove your eyes a little you will see a paper printout stuck on left wall saying birth and death certificate.
The helpful staff sits on the right and he will answer to your query as "For Sagar Apollo you need to go to Madiwala office, Do you know where is Aiyappa temple in Madiwala?" You can nod and say Yes.
It was totally unplanned as I thought this would be a rendouvouz trip to find out and know the procedure and then followed by few more trips for finally obtaining the birth certificate. I was surprised to see the staff working around 10 in morning and answering and helping me with my query.
They take about a month time and you have to go and collect the birth certificate.


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