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A Deaf and eunuch

The lunch is generally done in office on Neelkamal plastic chairs and tables. Post lunch everyone either walks in corrider or goes out for cool drinks/ Cocunut water/ paan / smoke. He generally explores the neighborhood. He saw a man coming through the greens on other side of outer ring road in HSR Layout, Bangalore. He thought there must be a way from where the man was coming.
He started to walk in that direction. He saw the first eunuch chitchatting with someone who was transporting freshly cut green grass. Both looked happy and smiling. He was missing his heartbeats. His initial reaction was to abandon the direction of walk He kept the fear with him and kept walking towards the eunuch and grass cutter on other side of road. He acted ignorance while he walked past them and towards the direction from where the man with umbrella came, who looked like a government employee.
Generally people come out of thick green areas after answering nature's call, so he was not sure. But his legs kept moving and he saw two small पगडण्डी  (thin walkways created in grasslands by continual human/animal walk). He chose the left one. His heart was thumping by now. His mind was travelling wild. His spirit was welcoming the adventure. He wanted to look back to see whether that eunuch would come and ambush him, he did not. He wanted to be assured that there were others around and to his dismay there was none.
After few seconds that looked like millennium, he saw few boys playing cricket. They looked normal so he started becoming normal. Still, if someone would have done a simple भऊ he would have run like angels fly in sky. But his confidence was growing as he saw some more people at distance going towards the other side of grassland towards   sarjapur road.
The lake kept growing in dimension as he neared it. He was happier now and brought out his mobile camera to take few snaps. Initial hesitation was there as to if someone would snatch the camera. He saw a big stick move near the lake. His curiosity took him towards the movement. He saw two men holding onto fish line and waiting patiently for their catch. At distance further away there were people swimming and taking bath. There were many more fishing in the thick grass beside the lake and suddenly the place seems to come alive. He was happier now.
He saw them sitting under a thick bush. They looked at each other. He was gesturing with his hand and body movements and she/he was nodding in affirmation. There were no words that were spoken. He was deaf. He stopped his expression when he saw him. He acted ignorance. He neared them and the understanding eunuch spoke "bartini" and he gave a simple "hoon" as if to share "Please dont bother me, I am already scared." and left them in their peace. But to his dismay he saw a pagdandi towards left and the better walkway to his right. He stopped for a moment and continued on walkway that had nice green bushes on both sides.
Finally a small thick, rusted iron turnstile showed him the way out back on to the outer ring road. There were autos and bikes parked into the grass. A auto had a couple. He moved onto the road and back into the routine.


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