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Appjam 2010 , the after effects of Atul Chitnis keynote

The default Home screen of the iPhone shows mo...Image via Wikipedia
I am the greatest proponent of open source but I have bills to pay. How will my app pay it for me?
Audiences was the only word that the slide had on the big screen.
Next billion users was on next slide.

Users was on next slide.
Marketing on next slide.

A presentation where the slide had a word or two at the most. Only Atul Chitnis could make sense out of them and he did in his keynote address at appjam held at IIMB, Bangalore on 15th May.
You have to keep your audience in mind.

The next billion users will come on mobile and most of them are not coming from the PC/Computer world.
Your user does not care about technology nor is he interested in the buzzwords. All he wants is a real time app which is easy to use and does what he paid it to do for him. Your user is not tech-savvy nor is he is a developer. They are neither enterprise users who use the mobile device as extension of their desktop.

Apple has controlled the appstore. The quality control has ensured that iphone/ipad apps are virus free and sensitive to the native culture in which they are deployed. Appstore also ensures that your application has reach to millions of users. It is your marketing that will sell the application.

It is easy to buy apps for few cents because you know they are tested, they are virus free and in case you are from PC world you would hesitate to pay but then you will also be insured from bad software ruining your device.

iphone apps sold because they give near-realtime experience to end user. They dont run on browser. They are native application. They may connect to backend through EDGE GPRS etc., but that is occasional. Browser apps will not work on mobile devices. They are too slow and most operators will not be able to give the speed to make it real time user experience. The user will and has dumped browser based apps. Proof, iphone apps and appstore.

If you have a short-term to near term time horizon then focus on iphone OS + Nokia Ovi+HP/Palm OS.
Android future might begin next year. Windows phone OS does not have API and RIM/Blackberry is too difficult for app development and deployment. The Android apps are not compatible between there minor version and they are free. Android is focused on selling devices then how will you make money there?

You can follow @chitnis on twitter and visit him at All the above sentences are inspired from his keynot at APPJAM and I am not a promoter or beneficiary of any of his applications or businesses. I saw the guy and heard him for the first time :)

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