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#punga with @sramana in #1m-1m

Not really. It was back to basics advice.
  1. Stay focused. What is the problem? Does it really exist? Can you solve it?
  2. Segment your market and choose a line of business.
  3. Validate your real customers. Cold call. Meet on roadside. Find ways to cut across to them and say hello. Are you talking to the right audience?
  4. Grow a single line of business and then go for aggregation as value add.
Bottomline - Go everywhere 

Backgroud : It was fun evening. I did not have calling card. Luckily chatted with a friend in US and he said his folks had it here on 7th floor. I got the magicjack. Struggled with it till 7:45 with no luck. Only ringtone was the saving grace. No magic with magic jack. It was not my day to save money on calls.

I had done my validation during the day and people suggested skype credits for good quality call. So at 7:50 I went and grabbed my credit and started punching the numbers, more than eager to lose the moolah, but skype rejected the card 5 times.

Once you believe that your spent is worth the time then you will go to any extent to burn the cash. I went to odesk, withdrew some money to paypal. I hate to do it because in last withdrawal paypal took away a cool 4% on large amount without warning. Okay, I was ignorant slob.

Then I went back to skype with paypal power. Paypal is all over the place in skpye credits buy page. Every page they beg to go buy with paypal. I could sense their pain and went to odesk to find the balm for them. It worked. I blew $10.

I dialled dimdim and the code was smartly rejected. Their customer rep came online and took away more time to dial me into the call.
It is then that I realized the call was at 8:30 and here I was dialling in at 8:15 happily being told to be on mute. I cut the call and prayed to lord.

Came back at 8:30. Again dialed in using skype. I started hearing two voices. Did not know what was happening. I stopped the call in skype. I heard one voice and was happy. Then went to skype to search for *6 because my turn would come soon and I would have to use that. It was not to be seen anywhere. How could it show when there was no call using skype? The sound was coming from the webcast.

As my turn came , I went back to skype to dial number. Bingo, again two voices. But with kevin's help found out the stop play button against his name only. I searched all over the page for STOP button but could not find it. The web voice stopped.

My turn came and I did present my idea. Dont ask me what because I will discuss with you only after I have validated it.
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