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Showing posts from July, 2010

Agriculture is philosophy

The occassion was the 10th year completion celebration of Sahaja Samruddhi . Welcome to "in company of nature" from "poison full of food". Agriculture is not technology. Its not about machines and chemicals. Its about allowing nature to do what it does best. We can never replace or improve her ways, we can only replicate her and learn from her. Do not interfere with her as you too are in the end of endangered species list. Agriculture is about philosophy. Its about allowing leaves to create a mulching cover, earthworms to pore in and through the soil, pockets of unplanned sectors in fields for unhindered growth of vegetation and animal life to counter the weeds and unwanted insects in the main field. Observe how nature evolves, how it strikes balance from between wanted and unwanted. Agriculture is about soil and water. Conservation of soil by preventing erosion and avoiding chemicals. Conservation of moisture and preserving it through proper shading of your...