The bhajans (songs in glory of self) took me away from me. I was serenading into depth of meditations. Today there were tonnes of questions flaoting in the space of mind like clouds vigorously drifting aloud. And then the clearing of throat was heard. And then the eyes were made to open. There was resistance but it did open to catch a glimpse of the master as he had settled in his seat. There was a talk on some stick which was carried to Guru when their disciple met them for the first time in ancient times. The property of the stick was, once its put to fire then it totally burns, not even leaving any residue behind. Its a symbol of exchange, the Guru gives knowledge and disciple offers the stick. readiness, now i am ready to be burned in pursuit of knowledge no turning back, i have left all to come to know, now till i am saturated in knowledge i will not return There was a talk on beliefs like if your chappal/shoes are stolen then your karmas ge...
"Sofar" captures the distance traveled so far from now.