When you look for individuals to fill a position in your company, what do you look for? Is it attitude skill presence ? Attitude includes things like "I am so great and I know so much" or "I am just learning and can pick up well" or "I have done it in the past but now I forgot" or "I know I can do it but I cannot jus tell you how?" or "I am jack of all but master of none or opposite". Skill is obtained by hard work or its a nature's gift. You have certain gaps and you want to fill those. There are better skilled people out there who can do it for you. Presence is how you feel in presence of the individual in front of you. Do you feel comfortable or do you feel agitated? What do you expect the person to tell you when you ask "Why would you like to work for this company?" Is it something like You are the best talents out there and I would like to learn from you. Your company has the best...
"Sofar" captures the distance traveled so far from now.