Judge I always
from the waking hours
till I hit the bed
From the moments
the eyes open
Sitting along along
cursing oneself
On the streets
catching glimpse of
people besides
forming opinions
of them in mind
When the eyes see
they judge
When the ears hear
they judge
When you taste
they judge
And your mind
keeps judging all the time
tired of my opinions
sick of my judgements
cant they just flow
blow away like winds
But when they stay
envy comes
jealousy blossoms
And time is lost
in frivolous little
there is only
one judge
which is above
and divine
just let him
do his work
and you do yours
don't waste another moment
judging one and another
from the waking hours
till I hit the bed
From the moments
the eyes open
Sitting along along
cursing oneself
On the streets
catching glimpse of
people besides
forming opinions
of them in mind
When the eyes see
they judge
When the ears hear
they judge
When you taste
they judge
And your mind
keeps judging all the time
tired of my opinions
sick of my judgements
cant they just flow
blow away like winds
But when they stay
envy comes
jealousy blossoms
And time is lost
in frivolous little
there is only
one judge
which is above
and divine
just let him
do his work
and you do yours
don't waste another moment
judging one and another