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Transformers Decoded: How AI Learns Language Like Ravana

Unlocking the Secrets of AI Language Understanding: A Journey Through Dimensions How AI transformer models process language, using the metaphor of Ravana's ten heads to illustrate the multi-dimensional nature of their understanding. The models analyze sentences by identifying various linguistic relationships, represented as dimensions in a high-dimensional space. This complex processing is then simplified using techniques like softmax to produce understandable classifications (e.g., positive, negative, neutral). The authors emphasize that AI's ability to process hundreds of dimensions surpasses human cognitive capabilities. Ultimately, the texts aim to demystify the intricate mathematical processes behind AI's linguistic comprehension. #AI #LanguageModels #MachineLearning
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what we give is what we have

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जो है वो देते हैं

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what is happiness and unhappiness?

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cause and effect - कारण और प्रभाव

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उपहार अब रहस्य नहीं

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