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Showing posts from October, 2016

Debugging Anger - the root cause

If you are angry then its due to lie. If you are angry then its on unreal. If you are stuck then its due to lie. In comparison you get stuck. In competition you get stuck.  In wanting more you are stuck. When you are stuck and not able to unstuck then you are angry.  If you are angry then its due to a lie.  If you are angry at something or someone then its unreal.  Your stomach pit is wrenching tight, you get mad at yourself “all these years of sadhana and spiritual practices seems to have failed.”. Then your tightness is a lie, your sadhana is a lie, your spiritual practice is a lie. Why waste rest of your life trying to fight a lie? What will you get if you win over a lie? What is the point of spending so much energy against a lie?  What will you prove in the end? That it was a lie. All along you have known its a lie and still you are spending time proving its a lie.  This world is full of lies. What is the po...

Truth about the lies that cause anger

What is the root cause of anger? If someone lies then we get angry with them. If something was promised and not delivered we get angry. If we wanted something and it did not get fulfilled then we get angry. But if everything is lie then where is competition, comparison, complex (inferior/superior) ? Can you pause for a while and reflect on the lies for a while? What do you get? Some freedom, sense of relief. This knowledge can lead to being careful or careless, responsible or irresponsible. I am dhaval, yet I am not I am married, yet I am not I am father, yet I am not I am son, yet I am not This world has some aspects which are real and some which are lies. Yet this world is lies, and everyone here is bundle of lies. This mind is full of lies, so many times the thoughts have betrayed us, yet we keep relying on it. Love is the biggest lie. Daily spiritual practices are lie. Every thought born in mind is lie. Every word spoken is a lie. Even Gurudev...

Intuition process - a journey into trust

It was disbelief. It was scary. I was stunned. I did not know. Its like the time when a child is born and brought in front of you for the first time. Nature's mystery and miracle becomes evident. The unknowable, unseeable makes its presence felt. The knowledge gets a new definition. A definition without basis, without effort. A skill simply is born. Simply appears. Simply is there. And your fundamentals break, scatter. You are let groping in dark, again searching for light. The journey restarts. The quest re-begins. How else can you explain how intuition process works. A little background. Around a year back Gurudev introduced Intuition process as an art of living program to develop the sixth sense or the intuitive abilities in children in age group 8-18. Immediately diverse results from children at various age started coming along. Some developed music, some sports skills, some could heal and some could go past and in future and predict with impossible a...