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Success is exchange of energy

The definition of success is very elusive. It means different things in different phases of life to different people. When I was in school and college it was to pass somehow. When I was in 12th it was to get into engineering somehow. When I was in job it was to make more money anyhow. When you were in marriage it was to demand happiness and feel proud in pronouncing to yourself that every act of a frustrating job was for the sake of family and their well being. I was focusing on doing. I was focusing on achievement. So whenever I reflected back in life I always felt less. I could have been an IITian, I could not crack CAT. I could not join an organization during their early stock offer days. I could not go to US and earn in dollars. I simply missed doing too many things.  Now I feel lack of achievement. Now I feel lack of doing. Did I miss out on something while I was undergoing all this doing? Why was I nervous all this while? Why did one achievement led to other? Why...

तुम दीन नहीं हो - live ashtavakra commentary by Sri Sri Ravishankar ji

तुम वही हो. तुम सूर्य कि किरण नहीं, तुम उस किरण का विस्तार हो. तुम सूर्य हो.  जिस प्रकार सूर्ये अपनी किरणों को हर खिड़की के माध्यम से हर घर मैं भेजता है, उसी प्रकार परमात्मा अपनी पूर्णता को छोटी छोटी आत्मायों मैं भेजता है.  यह बात दूसरी है कि जब आत्मा अपने पुर मैं वास करने लगती है, अपने शरीर रुपी घर मैं रहने  लगती है तो भूल जाती है कि वह सिमित नहीं है, उसका विस्तार ही परमात्मा है.  लेकिन घर मैं घुसने के बाद आप कांच के टुकड़े मैं सूर्य का प्रतिबिम्ब देखते हो ओर अपने आप को सिर्फ एक किरण मात्र समझने लगते हो. जरा बाहर झाँक कर भी देखो, सूर्य का अनुभव तो करो. तुम्हारे आस पास भी वही सूर्य का अंश है. तुम्हारे पड़ोस मैं भी वही सूर्य कि किरण है, तुम्हारे गाँव मैं जो रिश्तेदार हैं वहां भी वही सूर्ये है. सूर्य कोई भेद भाव नहीं करता. तुम क्यूं ऊँच- नींच मैं पड़े हो.  तुम्हारे दुःख का कारण  क्या है. तुम गुरु से तो मिले हो. तुमने गुरु को साक्षात् किया है. लेकिन तुम संपूर्णतः यह निश्चय नहीं कर पाए हो कि येही सत्य है. पूरे भरोसे कि कमी होने से ही दुःख होता है....

pay bbmp property tax online 2009-10

A neat way to pay property tax online if you have a property in bangalore. As launch offer BBMP is not charging extra on credit card payment. You can go to and choose form IV or V depending on whether there has been any change in your property from last year. You will need Application number from assessment year 2008-09. The number on top right corner of pink form. If you are lucky to have saved it to your files. Not the white receipt. You will reach a pre-filled form which either you can print to pay in nearest BBMP center or if you have started to trust online gateways and carry a credit card then choose to pay online. Remember to note down the new application number NOW. You never know when you will need them. Online option will lead you to IDBI gateway and there you need to have your credit card handy, your tax details comes pre-filled. You are done with the payment in your cosy little bed. Time for the receipt. You have still not invested in printer. Okay,...