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Showing posts from January, 2010

विचारों का श्रोत

यह विचार आते कहाँ से हैं. शरीर से, वातावरण से, डर से, प्रेम से, इन्द्रियों से, व्यक्तियों  से, व्यक्तित्व   से, आत्मा से या  फिर परमात्मा  से. लेकिन जहाँ से भी आते हैं, यह बीज  की तरह  मन की धरातल पल पनपने के लिए क्यूं तत्पर होते हैं. कुछ  विचार ऐसे हावी हो जातें हैं जैसे उनका कोई अंत नहीं. कुछ कब आते हैं ओर कब चले जाते हैं, उनकी कोई खबर नहीं. कुछ विचार ऐसे कोड़े बरसते हैं की मन के साथ साथ शरीर भी छलनी छलनी हो जाता है. कुछ विचार बर्फ के गोले होतें हैं ओर शरीर को सुन्न कर देते हैं. कुछ विचार कल कल करते झरने की तरेह फुदकते रहतें हैं. कुछ ऐसे मिलतें हैं जैसे सदियों बाद पाठशाला के  मित्र मिलें हों. कुछ ऐसी चट्टान होतें हैं की छाती भारी कर जातें हैं. छाती  फिर  ऐसे विचारों की उत्पत्ति करती है की मन भारी हो जाता है. फिर एक  दूजे के बोझ  तले दब कर खुद की पहचान को नष्ट कर देते हैं. आत्मीयता को ध्वंश कर देते हैं. ...

मन मैं विचारों का मंथन

एक समुद्र मंथन था और एक विचारों का मंथन है. उसका घटनास्थल विशाल समुद्र था, इसका घटनास्थल विशाल मन है. उसमें देवता, दानव और परमात्मा थे , इसमें अच्छे, बुरे विचारों के ऊपर विवेक और बुद्धि हैं. उधर चाह अमृत की थी, इधर मुक्ति की है. उधर देवता दानवों के बडती शक्ति से परेशान थे, इधर अच्छाई बुराई की कहर से परेशान है. जब विष निकला तो शिव आये, इधर भी कभी सत्य से संपर्क होगा. उधर भी देवता सुख, शांति और ख़ुशी चाहते थे, इधर भी वही इच्छायें हैं. उधर भी देवताओं को अपना आसन और स्वर्गलोक छोड़ कर घनघोर समुन्द्र मैं खड़े होके परिश्रम करना पड़ा, इधर भी हमें चिंतन , मनन, करना पड़ेगा, नहीं तो विवेक बेचारा कोने मैं सड़ता रहेगा, बुद्धि भ्रस्ट    तो हो ही गयी है , ओर विकारों से युक्त हो जाएगी, तुम भोगते रहोगे और योग की बातें सुनते रहोगे ओर मेरी तरेह सुनाते रहोगे . अपने जीवन मैं सबको मंथन करना पड़ता है, हर इंसान को, हर बार, हर जन्म मैं. यह तप आज से ही चालू हो जाए तो अच्छा  है, वर्ना ज़िन्दगी विष तक ही पहुँच कर चूक जाएगी. kya kehte हो!

Tejgyaan from Sirji

Have you ever played and enjoyed Snakes and ladder at some point in your life? I can guess that position 99 would have been most enviable for you. Why do feel so comfortable and eased out at 99? You dont care whether you get double six or five. You are just waiting for your ONE. ONE move and you will be released from the game.  You enjoy watching rest of players struggling with the snakes and hoping for the ladder. Your ladder has taken you to 99. You are relieved. But when you started the game. You feared the snakes before every move. Your present was in anticipation of harm caused by snakes and you would get hopelessly cheerful if you happen to find the ladder.  हर चाल मैं सांप का भय क्यूं. Same way in life the ladder of spirituality will take you to 99. The only way you walk/climb on the ladder is through satsang and seva. Persistent seva. Relentless seva. Tireless seva. If you stop in middle to enjoy the view of flower pots and balconies then you will have t...

Did you forget the other garden?

A point made by Shivani hit me and I am sure it may hit you too. So heres the shootout. There are two gardens. One on left of your house and other one on right of your house. You expect both gardens to be be green. But you only nourish one and ignore other. What is the natural consequence of your ignorance? The one ignored will be dry patch of land. Similarly, you have aspiration for comfort in your life and as well as being happy. These are two different things. Two different gardens in vicinity of your house. You strive for comfort. You target comfort. You achieve comfort. You lose sleep. You lose freedom. You lose interaction. You lose a relaxed stomach. You miss the smile on your baby's face. You gain washing machine, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, a car, an apartment, a choice to travel by aeroplane. Its a different thing that you still desire to have everything for free. You have moved from sitting in front of Hercules cycle front seat. You have moved i...

How to update content through Google Sites API?

The code to insert document data works for Google sites but for update it fails. I tried below two calls 1 entry . setMediaSource ( ms ); gives following //IllegalArgumentException: Cannot set media source on entry with existing non-MediaContent 2 service . updateMedia ( new URL ( getContentFeedUrl ()), newAttachment ); give //,Invalid request URI service is sites service object, entry is attachment entry Finally the following code seems to work      MediaStreamSource ms = new MediaStreamSource(is, fileMimeType);      ContentQuery query = new ContentQuery(new URL(getContentFeedUrl()));      query.setFullTextQuery(filename);      ContentFeed contentFeed = service.getFeed(query, ContentFeed.class);      String strAttach;      for (AttachmentEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(AttachmentEntry.class))...

BBMP Garbage segregation drive

I was standing in front of Everfine when I saw a jeep playing something in kannada. I could make out that they were aspiring for greener and cleaner Bangalore and launching door to door garbage collection in separate bags after segregation. I went into RBI layout and the jeep was in front of me in middle of road. Some vigorous honking and it gave me some side. An initiative has been started by Divya in Brigade Gardenia Complex. She is supported by few others families till she is able to generate enough volumes to get association interested and make it mandatory for rest of association. The garbage is segragated into three separate recycles plastic bags   which she brought from Chickpet. She also gave us nice one page laminated sheet detailing what goes under metal/plastic and paper categories. The garbage is collected on Saturday 2PM by Samartham trust. Thank you Divya for making us part of noble initiative. I hope BBMP really takes it far and wide across bangalore and ...

BSNL DEAD since 7 on 7th Jan 2010

I was in between a client conversation and skype went dead. Usually BSNL broadband dies out once in a while and resetting the router brings back life. I did it several times and nothing happened. Had an immediate imulse of calling 1500 but remembered the rebuke from history and kept on searching for Broadband helpline. FInally found it behind BSNL Landline bill statement 1800 424 1600. Dialled, nothing happened. Tried to call the security of apartment complex. Nothing. Only Dial tone. Tried to call landline number from Mobile phone. Nothing. "Error in connection". Tried to call Wife's mobile number. Nothing. "Error in connection". Tried to call Brothers number.Nothing. "Error in connection". Went down to meet security. He said phone lines are down since 7 and it was already 7:45 PM. Now its 5:30 AM in morning. Checked Mobile. Working. Atleast cellone is up. Checked Landline. The same ringtone ONLY. Frustrating. Called 1500. A sleepy lady voic...