The more memory you have the less you will be happy.
The more you relive the past the less you will live today.
The more you correct the world the less you will see corrections.
PS: Most of the thoughts are derived from Sister Shivani, Dadi Janki and Sri Sri Ravishankar ji. They belong to Brahmakumaris and Art of living.
The more you relive the past the less you will live today.
The more you correct the world the less you will see corrections.
There are three aspects. Nature, Maya and Money. Nature is composed of five elements. Maya is composed of five विकार vices like anger, lust, greed, etc., Money is the object.
Maya causes corruption in your nature, both within and outside. You blame money.
Can money be the cause of happiness or unhappiness?
Money is the instrument. If you play well you will produce soothing rhythms. If you are anxious you will break strings.
Can money influence your feeling? Can money help you with your mental strength? Can money create courage, faith, love?
How you feel is how you think?
Your thoughts are pure, your feelings are pure.
Your thoughts are reckless, you feel chaos.
In reality you are not performing any action. You are dull, lethargic.
Your mind is racing. Your body is still.
Imagine the bleeding it will cause to your mind.
Your body is hurt, you can see the cut, you can see the blood, you can feel the pain.
Your mind is hurt by continuous onslaught of waste thoughts.
You put ointment to cure the body. How will you cure the mind?
Do you realize that your mind is hurt? Are you aware of the hurt your thoughts have caused to your mind?
A pill can relieve your physical pain. A pill can distract and calm your mind for a while.
But how will you make your mind calm and your body active?
You take the body to gym, swimming pool, badminton court. You jog. You walk.
Where will you take the mind? How will you exercise it? How will you keep it energized? How will you disallow waste negative dissipative thoughts?
Can you ?
PS: Most of the thoughts are derived from Sister Shivani, Dadi Janki and Sri Sri Ravishankar ji. They belong to Brahmakumaris and Art of living.