The mobile phone rings. Some phones are on vibration mode. Some have crazy tunes. Some have pleasing tunes. There are so many of them these days. They were not always there. They exist now, everywhere, everyone. Today, during long sudarshan kriya followup, three phones played their tunes. Some got distracted, some ignored it. Some did not care. Some were agitated. Some were releasing emotions. Some were in bliss. Every mobile phone tune is like the emotion that we experience in our daily life. They are so powerful. They overpower us. They disturb our sleep. They interrupt our family talks/meals.They bulldoze and wipe out our very existence. We experience the extremities of emotions more often than not. They interfere and can be destructive at times. I presume this was observed by HH +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji also. He saw that many were meditating but they were not able to get the deep experience which meditations gave in earlier ages. He got su...
"Sofar" captures the distance traveled so far from now.