I called up 1800-424-1600. Initial web search showed number as 1600 424 1600. Did not check on the second number though. The call went through and I could speak to the agent. She told me my username and password on phone. I requested her to hold till I checked the given credentials. She asked me to call back.
I also enquired about broadband bill not coming and she said its not integrated with the system and I have to go to nearest exchange for same.
The line was disconnected after getting wishes of a nice day from her.
I checked the credentials and they failed. Maybe I missed on something. It was about 9:10 in morning and since then I had tried the toll free number many times and I only end up in busy tone or no tone or dropped call.
I went to the web and found their nearest telephone exchange number at Jayanagar. I called up
Mrs. Geetha K Adiga
Ph: 26549770. No response. It was about 10 AM on a fresh bangalore monsoon morning.
There was another number 26656700 and the person redirected me to accounts section at 22448184 or 85. He was in rush to get back to work so I panicked and said Thank you. He was responding in kannada and I was querying in English without any standard gateway to translate.
I could not get through accounts section since then.
I had the following queries in mind
- Obtain username and password for broadband connection
- Find out why the broadband bill was not coming along with telephone bill.
- Why the broadband plan was not changed to new one as promised from 1st of June 2009
Not a big list but I have spent almost 1 hour and I am still inquisitive. How was your BSNL experience?