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vinod seshan is married

He was a collegue in kyocera whiling away his time in IT while feeling strongly for the animal rights. Once I too went alongside him when he went in a mission to give a graceful exit to a dying monkey. As most of us IT was not his calling and he moved over to become and get into the prestigious IAS cadres of India by procuring a rank of 3 before he crossed over the age limit.
From vinod session marriage
Bhaskar planned the trip and I got to meet Subu and Vijay
From vinod session marriage
at Bangalore City Railway Station in prime of night as the chennai mail was to leave at 10:45 PM. We utlized BMTC services, the conductor tried to resell the used bus passes of the day to simpletons but there was no victim today. I met a cloth merchant (haryana handlooms) whom we visited on few occassions in Jayanagar 4th block few years ago. He came over to my side and we had good chat. No expectations just meeting to say. How often does that happens in real life?
The train left on time. All looked same except Vijay who seemed to have blown up and me, a reduced lot according to them. We caught up on lost times and played with the Kyocera phone which had the accelerometer but no appealing application to play around.
The wake up call was a welcome from chenna weather, a warm and sultry touch at 4 AM in morning. Vinod had arranged for a TT and we waited and waited at ten rupees parking outside chennai central railway station. There was an sparkling palm tree.
After few more calls the TT finally took us into its cool arms at over 5 AM and the muhurtam was about 5:45 AM. We were led to a room fully air conditioned which is gived for over 1500 rupees per day.
The pressure did not build up and Subu taught a technique by firmly holding the plams and protrude the fingers outside in lock and release. It worked.
We were thirsty and water was frosty chilled and I gulped it without allowing it to settle on my gums. There was tea coming and we were glad to have it.
From vinod session marriage
The breakfast and lunch was royal and we learnt to blow conch on chennai beach after the Auto driver agreed to take four of us.
From vinod session marriage
Bhaskar's aunty warned of going back in lal bagh express and we were waiting for the lal bagh train experience to materialize.
From vinod session marriage
It unfolded in steps as more and more unreserved people walked in reserved compartments. There were unreasonable movements of blind people. Some selling, some begging and some sitting close to toilet doors and gates. We ventured to the door before it got packed and found tamilnadu to be more green and beautiful than we thought.
From vinod session marriage
There was a muslim lady clad in burkha with scores of kids who decided to stand beside me and her kids used up the space promtly. As I was requesting her to move to elsewhere her kids were spitting on my trousers. She walked away to her source of relataives after a while.
The varieties of food kept coming and finally I gave in to aloo bondas.
I was searching for my bus at majestic bus stand but there was none in sight and every bus seems to be going elsewhere. Finally reached the place where #2 starts and gave up hope of catching #215 series. Fortunately the bus was turning in reverse and did not go the normal way out otherwise I would have definetly missed it. A youngster was playing music loudly from his mobile in pocket. I got down in Jayanagar 4th block with no hope of knowing how will i reach my destination. I checked with an auto wallah and to my horror he agreed to drop me. I had to thank him and pat him on his shoulder when he left me near my residence.


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