This was the second time when I was pained to locate a proper place to place the tweetmeme buton in blogger. The tutorial has suggested keeping it between
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'> and ‘b:loop’.
Also there are two such places where you can place the code. If you place in lower one then it will appear only if ads appear in your blog.
The above has not worked for me and I am not sure about you, do you Meme?.
I searched for a place near the spans at end of post and put it above the below line
"<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'>
And it seems to work. You can meme below and retweet and check for yourself. Have you been struggling with button placement in blogger?
Then I came across your blog, and did what you did. It showed me what I wanted. I then tweaked it further, and kept the code a little bit above the line that you mentioned here... that is - in between [p][data:post.body/] and [/p]
It works perfectly fine there. :-)